Cursos / 1º Ciclo / / Faculty of Architecture and Arts :: Architecture ( Integrated Master)

Versao Portuguesa

ARQUITECTURA I - 2018/2019

1º curricular year
Semestralidade: annual
ECTS: 30


Leading Teacher: Arqtº João Paulo Rapagão
Assistant Professor: Arqtº João Paulo Rapagão

Class type and School hours

Teórica : 2 Horas
Teórico-prática : 10 Horas

Teaching Language


Main Aims/Objectives

The generic informative and formative identity of the first year promotes the introduction, explanation and apprehension of concepts and basic values of space organization, structure and hierarchy. Recurring to the practical application of the knowledge contained in the several themes, it aims simultaneal to provide the privileged means of space observation, design and representation. Finally it endorses the initiation to the research and experiment in architecture.

Specific Aims/Objectives

From the established general objectives, the course program deepens the comprehension and acquirement of the formation methods and the rules of materialization of the space composition and regulation in architecture. It aims to assess and rectify the existing distress resulting from previous formation, in order to prepare and balance all the students’ participation in the academic and scientific course. Finally it aims to provide analysis and synthesis ability.

Skills to be acquired

The program proposes, academic and pedagogical, the acquiring and definition of the fundamental and structural concepts necessary to the architectural practice. Following it proposes the comprehension and manipulation of the cultural, mental and manual production mechanisms of space qualification, its conception and construction, representation and materialization, namely trough space models and its critical observation.

Teaching Procedures

The method privileges the development time and individual instrumentation as a mean to discover the capability and difficulties in the space idealization and materialization, trough experiment and research, recurring to realization. The proposed methodology provides the development of theoretical and practical work which promotes permanent research and experimental habits, useful to the student’s future individual course.


From the development and fulfillment of the objectives contained in the proposed exercises, it is possible to apprehend architecture, namely its diverse notions and composition, articulation, structure, hierarchy and general space organization basic conditions, like memory and history, the place, time, symbolism, unity and diversity, full and void, exterior space and interior space, technique and aesthetics, the use and the form, public space and private space, materiality and spatiality. The course program is directed by the development and achievement of the general and specific objectives, recurring to four exercises. The first two during the first semester and the last two during the second semester. The first exercise aims to the knowledge of looking at architecture, trough graphic, photographic and iconographic records, among others, pointed and followed by personal observations and evaluations. The second exercise aims to the comprehension of the space apprehension phenomenon’s and general space formation, trough diverse space structure and substructure manipulation and the apprehension of space and general definition phenomenon’s, such as its elements structure, articulation and hierarchy. The third exercise is directed to the study of the use in architecture and recurs to the collective equipment theme. The fourth and last exercise is directed to the study of the form in architecture and recurs to the housing theme. The several exercises use real places, introducing, complexities and challenges useful to the interpretation and transformation of the places in architecture. The architecture concepts listed and associated to the exercises and the real selected and manipulated matrix add conditionings to the themes - collective equipment and housing - capable of promote and develop mental and manual instruments important to the individual and personal development. The course program promotes the appearing and development of a personalized and sustained architecture culture, capable of create and stimulate the appearance of autonomous and individual competences.

Evaluation Type

The evaluation is continuous and takes as reference the theoretical practical exercise, specific of the course, namely the production during the academic time destined to Arquitectura I, namely, during the attendance and development of the exercises part of its program. The defined general evaluation parameters are the accuracy of the program completion, attendance, collective participation and the precision of the chosen communication means.

Teaching Resources

Execution of the studies and projects, informed and tested with tridimensional representation models and reality approach, reflection and exposition, analysis and synthesis. Implementation of open classes, of exchange of different experiences and competences. Recurring to audiovisual means of illustration and apprehension of cultural values architectural relevant. Field trips are realized of observation and apprehension of examples of the related themes.

Sustainability Objectives


Architecture, Inform, Experiment, Organize, Represent

Main Bibliography

Author TÁVORA, Fernando
Title Da organização do espaço
Edition Primeira
Place Porto
Editor Curso de Arquitectura da Escola Superior de Belas-
Year 1982
Author FRAMPTON, Kenneth
Title Historia crítica de la arquitectura moderna
Edition Primeira
Place Barcelona
Editor Gustavo Gili, S. A.
Year 1981
Author BENEVOLO, Leonardo
Title Diseño de la ciudad
Edition Primeira
Place Barcelona
Editor Gustavo Gili, S. A.
Year 1979

Complementary Bibliography

Author LAMAS, José Manuel Ressano Garcia
Title Morfologia Urbana e Desenho da Cidade
Edition Primeira
Place Porto
Editor Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian e Fundação para a Ciê
Year 2004
Author KOSTOF, Spiro
Title The city shaped - Urban patterns and meanings thro
Edition Primeira
Place London
Editor Thames & Hudson Limited
Year 2009