Cursos / 1º Ciclo / / Faculty of Architecture and Arts :: Architecture ( Integrated Master)

Versao Portuguesa


1º curricular year
Semestralidade: 1st semester


Leading Teacher: Prof. Doutora Maria Paula Peixoto
Assistant Professor: Prof. Doutora Maria Paula Peixoto

Class type and School hours

Teórica : 2 Horas

Teaching Language


Main Aims/Objectives

Start the student on the problem and methodology of history, art history and architecture, leading to the acquisition of conceptual tools and methodologies of reading, interpretation and integration of the artistic object.
To sensitize students to the importance of history in training and practice of the architect and the valence of the historical structures of a certain time in the definition of artistic paths that time.

Specific Aims/Objectives

Contribute directly to the immediate immersion of students in the subject area of architecture, addressing key issues in areas that today limit and inform the everyday thinking and practice of architecture and architects.

Skills to be acquired

Understand art and the artistic object as a testimony of each historical period;
Developing a critical aptitude towards the artistic object;
Use artistic information as a stimulus to professional creativity in architecture
Mobilize the knowledge gained to an active role that the architect should develop in the preservation and enhancement of artistic and cultural heritage.

Teaching Procedures

Theoric explanation of program contents, based on power points presenting images of artistic objects and architecture, promoting debate between teacher and students.
To promote the learning of art-historical connections through the comparison and visual evidence, as well as its context, to inculcate in students the habit of analyzing and discussing about the art object.


1.Introduction to Art. The history of art as part of the historical sciences. The role of history of art.

1. Prehistoric art. From Palaeolithic to Iron Age.
2.Art in Eastern antiquity. Art in Mesopotamia and Egypt.
3. Art in Ancient Classical World: Greek Art and Roman Art
4. Medieval art. Early Medieval Art
5. Medieval art. Romanesque Style
6. Medieval art. Gothic Style
7. The art of humanism. The art of the palace and the bourgeoisie: the Renaissance and Mannerism.
8. Baroque and Rococó.
9. Art as a response: the Neoclassical.
10. Art in the early nineteenth century. The art and the revival eclecticisms: Romanticism
11. The Art of the nineteenth century. Realism and Naturalism. The Photography and its relationship with painting.
12. The art of a rapidly changing world. The art of the end of the century, and early nineteenth century. XX. Impressionism, Symbolism, Art Nouveau
13. The art of a century of upheavals and revolutions. The art in the first half of the twentieth century. Expressionism, Fauvism, Cubism, Futurism, Constructivism, Bauhaus, the Dadaímo, Surrealism.
14. The challenges in contemporary art.

Evaluation Type

Written evaluation, assiduity, oral participation, exam.

Teaching Resources

Giving a strong emphasis on visual evidence, the lectures will be accompanied by the projection of graphics and photographs and supplemented with videos.

Sustainability Objectives



Main Bibliography

Author DAVIES, Penelope J. E., et all
Title A Nova História da Arte de Janson: a tradição Ocid
Place Lisboa
Editor Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian
Year 2010
Author PRINA, Francesca, DEMARTINI, Elena
Title Gran Atlas de la Arquitectura
Place Barcelona
Editor Electa
Year 2006
Author ZEVI, Bruno
Title Saber ver a arquitectura
Place Lisboa
Editor Arcádia
Year 2010

Complementary Bibliography

Author COLE, Emily
Title A Gramática da Arquitectura
Author CALABRESE, Omar
Title Como se lê uma obra de arte