Cursos / 1º Ciclo / / Faculty of Architecture and Arts :: Architecture ( Integrated Master)

Versao Portuguesa


1º curricular year
Semestralidade: 2nd semester


Leading Teacher: Prof. Doutor Alberto Estima
Assistant Professor: Prof. Doutor Alberto Estima

Class type and School hours

Teórica : 2 Horas

Teaching Language


Main Aims/Objectives

Provide a set of information, knowledge and tools to allow the student a comprehensive knowledge of art history and the role it played in the civilizing process, equipping him for the measurements also plural of the art object.
Simultaneously we intend to develop the student´s sensitivity to adapt and apply knowledge to the field of artistic area.

Specific Aims/Objectives

To understand and discuss art in its permanent and pressing double feature (the "useful" versus the "beautiful") and while discourse and field of relationship between the symbolic and power.
To identify and characterise the major artistic movements in chronological order (the three major expressions of sculpture, painting and architecture), as well as some of its protagonists, explaining the artistic phenomena in the world of political, social, cultural and religious ideas in each era.

Skills to be acquired

-To identify and understand the subject matter and artistic work as a document / privileged testimony of its historical time;
-To develop a critical attitude as receiver and user of art objects
-To use artistic references as a stimulus for creativity in the professional area.

Teaching Procedures

Expository method: using various materials, enabling the transmission of knowledge in a structured and continuous manner. Interrogative method: systematically questioning the students.
Active method: the students must take the problem solving initiative in order to allow better consolidation of acquired knowledge.


Man, Art and History.
What is Contemporary Art.
The Art History function.
The Art and the symbol.
Diachronic analysis of nineteenth-century art. Realism and Naturalism. The Photography and its relationship with painting.
Crafts to Art Machine.
The Art and Design in the Modern World.
New contemporary trends.

Evaluation Type

Stress is given to a formative assessment so as to allow teacher and student to obtain the necessary feedback in order to allow the former to adapt his / her strategies and the latter to take conscience of his / her difficulties and progress.
The evaluation will be done according to two written tests, plus the rate at the end of the semester.

Teaching Resources

To make the most of the potentiality of the new information and communications technologies. To carefully examine all sorts of images from slides, PowerPoint presentations, videos so as to explain and support the theory. To promote activities directed to the observation, reflexion and discussion of the artistic phenomenon.

Sustainability Objectives



Main Bibliography

Author DAVIES, Penelope J.E.,et all
Title A Nova História da Arte de Janson: ATradição Ocid
Place Lisboa
Editor Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian
Year 2010
Author ARGAN, Giulio Carlo, FAGIOLO, Maurizio
Title Guia de História da Arte
Place Lisboa
Editor Estampa
Year 1992
Author INSA RUFACH, Joan Jesus, et all
Title Método para a interpretação de obras de arte: est
Place Lisboa
Editor Planeta Editora
Year 1992

Complementary Bibliography

Author PEVSNER, Nikolaus
Title Pioneiros do design moderno
Title A História da Arte