Cursos / 1º Ciclo / / Faculty of Architecture and Arts :: Architecture ( Integrated Master)

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2º curricular year
Semestralidade: 1st semester


Leading Teacher: Prof. Doutora Maria Paula Peixoto
Assistant Professor: Prof. Doutora Maria Paula Peixoto

Class type and School hours

Teórica : 2 Horas

Teaching Language


Main Aims/Objectives

1 - To take conscience of the importance:
a)Of the eclectic formation of the architect, especially in a humanistic, artistic, scientific and technical culture.
b)Of the artistic phenomenon as meaningful testimony for the history of culture and its value in the identification and memory of nations.
2 – To understand the artistic problematic of the Renaissance and the Modern Age.

Specific Aims/Objectives

1 – To get to know the changes that occurred in the domain of Plastic Arts and Architecture in the Renaissance, from its forerunners in the 14th century to its complete maturity in the 16th century, giving emphasis to the classical model.

2 – To identify the place and the role that each artist under study played in the domain that made him famous.

Skills to be acquired

– To research, select, organise and interpret, in a critical way, the data related to the subject matter, needs or problems to solve and respective contexts.
– To make use of the personal cultural, scientific and technological knowledge when approaching concrete situations.
– To use language appropriately in the context of artistic and technological knowledge.
– To make interpretative readings, properly justified, on artistic phenomena.

Teaching Procedures

We aim at creating situations that stimulate the student to actively participate in his own learning.
Lectures will always be supported by the visualization of pictures in connection with an adequate critical and reflexive analysis.


1 - The Renaissance;
1.1 – Introduction;
1.2 – Main characteristics of the Modern Age;
1.3 – A new man in search of a classical past;
1.4 – The superiority of Italy. The importance of Florence;
1.5 – The new conception of man and Nature;
1.6 – Proportion and perspective;
1.7 – The new social status of the artist;
1.8 – The architecture in 15th century Italy. Brunelleschi and Alberti;
1.9 – The theoretical conceptions from Vitruvius to Alberti;
1.10 – The great sculptors of the 15th century;
1.11 – Short analysis of the Renaissance painting;
1.12 – Renaissance Palaces. Characterization of their evolution.
1.13 – Renaissance villas.
1.14 – The evolution of religious architecture;
1.15 – The High Renaissance in Italy and Rome as the centre of western civilisation.
1.16 – The 16th century Classicism.
1.17 – The architectural theories of the Renaissance and the appearance of new urban conceptions. The model cities.

2.1 – The crisis in 16th century Europe. Religious, social scientific and cultural issues.
2.2 – The new themes of painting.
2.3 – The importance of the great theoretical texts of the 16th century.
2.4 – Architecture – its different interpretations. Italy and the rest of Europe.
2.5 – The Counter Reformation and an art inspired by an ideology.

Evaluation Type

Stress is given to a formative assessment so as to allow teacher and student to obtain the necessary feedback in order to allow the former to adapt his / her strategies and the latter to take conscience of his / her difficulties and progress. Students’ participation in the lectures will be one of the items to take into consideration when doing the summative assessment. This will be done according to the directions specified by the Faculty.

Teaching Resources

To make the most of the potentiality of the new information and communications technologies. To carefully examine all sorts of images from slides, PowerPoint presentations, videos so as to explain and support the theory. To give out photocopies of texts related to each one of the themes under study. To promote activities directed to the observation, reflexion and discussion of the artistic phenomenon.

Sustainability Objectives


The Modern Age
The Classical legacy

Main Bibliography

Author DAVIES, Penelope J.E., et all,
Title A Nova História da Arte de Janson: A Tradição Oci
Place Lisboa
Editor Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian
Year 2010
Author PIJOAN, José (dir.)
Title A História da Arte
Place Mem Martins
Editor Publicações Alfa
Year 1972
Author Battisti, Eugénio
Title Renascimento e Maneirismo
Place Lisboa
Editor Verbo
Year 1984

Complementary Bibliography

Author PAIS DA SILVA, J. Henrique
Title Estudos sobre o Maneirismo
Edition 2ª edição
Place Lisboa
Editor Estampa
Year 1986
Author GARIN, Eugénio
Title Renascimento - história de uma revolução cultural
Edition 2ª ed.
Place Porto
Editor Livraria Telos Editora
Year s/d