Cursos / 1º Ciclo / / Faculty of Architecture and Arts :: Architecture ( Integrated Master)

Versao Portuguesa

PROJECTO I - 2023/2024

3º curricular year
Semestralidade: annual
ECTS: 30


Leading Teacher: Prof. Doutor Francisco Peixoto Alves
Assistant Professor: Prof. Doutor João Cardoso

Class type and School hours

Teórica : 2 Horas
Teórico-prática : 10 Horas

Teaching Language


Main Aims/Objectives

The conclusion character of the first formative cycle in Architecture, sets as objectives the introduction to the understanding of the architectural phenomenon as multi-dimensional, artistic, cultural, social and economic, taking into account the functions of the public space, understood as a contextualizing support, and of the buildings that exist in it. Initiation to the methodology of design and urban design and the acquisition of instruments for projecting public space.

Specific Aims/Objectives

Aim to obtain:
- a generic understanding of the problem of Urban Design and Public and Urban Architecture;
- a mastery of the basic tools of Urban Design and equipment;
- understanding the composition and regulation rules of the public space.
The proposed exercises are aimed at urban design and project, whether it resorts to the identification and interpretation of public space and buildings in the formalization of the urban phenomenon.

Skills to be acquired

Develop a transdisciplinary understanding of Urban Design (holistic view); Ability to develop a spirit of synthesis of ideas and urban forms; Ability to operationalize knowledge; Expression and communication skills (orality, writing and graphic representation);
Thus, the values underlying the exercises build, through research and design practice, knowledge and critical tools for the production of design ideas and urban design.

Teaching Procedures

Theoretical classes provide the acquisition of theoretical-practical frameworks that support and frame the practical activities. The practical classes lead to the application of the acquired knowledge and to the exchange of experiences and acquired knowledge, in the execution of the exercises, privileging the presentation of the works for this purpose.


Inhabiting the Space between the Buildings encourages understanding, research, exploration of the values that generate and hierarchize space and urban architecture.
The exercise requests, trains and builds mental, cultural, gestural and digital instruments, which, synthesized through drawing, communicate the purposeful idea. It also builds an understanding of the evolution and transformation of the city from the public dimension.
Thus, this proposition intends to be multidimensional in terms of cultural contextualization, but with a simple program in the way of dealing with the theme of the introduction to urban planning, taking into account the language and expression of thought in the confrontation with History, forming an awareness objective view of architectural intervention.

A - Matrix Body

1.1- The construction of the Traditional Urban Space as a historical process.
1.2- The planned dimension: as a Political-Social Project; Economic operation.
1.3- The transformation of the Traditional Space
1.4- Case studies.

The transformations of the Urban Space of the 20th Century City. XIX. The crisis of the Traditional City. Urban Planning and the Modern Movement.
From the Compact City to the City-Territory. The Urban Renewal. Tuesday, 13th of
2. Urban Design and the City:
Conceptual schemes in Urban Design projects Spatial grammar and the theory of Natural Movement
Visibility graphs in the study of spatial grammar 3. Types of urban design.
4. City and urban theory.
The city: morphology and urban structure. Case Study. 5. The public dimension of public spaces and buildings.
6. Tendenza and public architecture.
7. The equipment in the construction of the urban structure.

B - Practical part
Conceptual, formal, functional and aesthetic definition of individual intervention proposals, based on the synthesis/diagnosis obtained from the values interpreted in the territory under study, leading to the preparation of an individual dossier demonstrating the entire analytical process based on the methodology acquired in the theoretical and theoretical-practical classes, duly organized and represented. The process includes the elaboration of three-dimensional study models to support the visualization, interpretation and graphic representation, building a whole between the perceptible and the concrete.

Evaluation Type

The assessment is intended to be formative and continuous, which includes 2 individual works, frequencies and an oral exam. Demonstration of understanding and application of the methodology is evaluated; attendance; application of the scientific framework of reference to the resolution of the exercises, namely in the demonstration of the capacity of synthesis, resulting from the characterization and critical interpretation of the space.

Teaching Resources

In order to achieve the proposed objectives and competences with materialization of the syllabus of the curricular unit, the following didactic resources will be used: Specialized bibliography available in the UL´s media library and library;The graphic and photographic record of the elements that make up the urban space
study subject. The critical syntheses of diagnosis of the object of study.

Sustainability Objectives


Urban Design; Multifamily housing; Morphology; Equipment

Main Bibliography

Author LAMAS, José Manuel Ressano Garcia
Title Morfologia Urbana e Desenho da Cidade
Place Porto
Editor Ed. Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian e Fundação para
Year 2004
Author Martínez Sarandeses, José
Title Guia de Diseño Urbano
Place Madrid
Editor Ed. Ministério do Fomento
Year 1999
Author BENEVOLO, Leonardo
Title Diseño de la ciudad
Place México
Editor Ed. Gustavo Gili
Year 1979

Complementary Bibliography

Author CONSIGLIERI, Victor
Title A Morfologia da Arquitectura (1920-1970) - Tomos
Author MOPT
Title Normas para Programação de Equipamentos Colectivo
Place Lisboa
Editor DGOTU
Year 1994