Cursos / 1º Ciclo / / Faculty of Architecture and Arts :: Architecture ( Integrated Master)

Versao Portuguesa


3º curricular year
Semestralidade: 2nd semester


Leading Teacher: Prof. Doutor Henrique Fabião
Assistant Professor: Prof. Doutor Henrique Fabião

Class type and School hours

Teórica : 2 Horas

Teaching Language


Main Aims/Objectives

-This course unit is intended to proceed with the problematic of transformations in Architecture and the City (previously introduced in the course unit History of Architecture). Accordingly, it is the same Space/Time, from the Western and World History of the 19th century to the present day. One opted to emphasize, building understanding and relating the Urban Planning and the names that took a leading part in the Industrial, the Post Industrial and the present day city.

Specific Aims/Objectives

- Identify the historical junctures and ruptures and how they reflect the Architecture and Cities Making (yesterday and nowadays).
- Relate urban models: its perseverance and changes.

Skills to be acquired

- Identify the names that took a leading part in the Urban Planning, from the 19th century to the present day.
- Relate the urban practices with the liberal, post-liberal and neoliberal society.

Teaching Procedures

- Through seminars, one will explore the bibliography and the samples to analyze. The classes will be open to discussion and the students will be oriented to presentation and defense of individual / group works. Whenever possible, the classes will be complemented with study visits, conferences and other relevant activities.


1. Introduction: defining City and Urban. The city in Industrial, Post-Industrial and present day period.
2. The Industrial city and its critics. Urban planning in Europe and United States of America in the 1st half of the 19th century. The Utopians. Haussmann and the Paris Plan (c.1850-1870). The Cerdá Plan in Barcelona (c.1855-1861).
3. The Urban transformations occurred in the last quarter of the 19th century until the World War I. The Industrial City of Tony Garnier. Camillo Sitte. The Cities: gardens. A. Soria and the Linear City. The Urbanistic case of Berlage (Dutch Architect).
4. The Architecture and Urbanism between the two World Wars in Europe and the United States of America. Laws and urban experience. Urban Planning by Gropius, Le Corbusier and CIAM. Dictatorships Urbanism. Other European and American cases.
5. Architecture and Urbanism in Europe and America after the World War II. The diffusion in the world. The change in the 60s. The Post-Industrial City. New Utopias and Dystopia. The City in the present day: the end of the city or the city with no end ( J. Le Goff).

Evaluation Type

Written test with bibliographical support - 2.
Regular attendance and active participation inside and outside the seminars ( tutorials, conferences, study visits etc).

Teaching Resources

- Traditional and modern methods of projection
- Movies, colloquies, exhibitions (inside or outside the University, but available in museums, galleries, foundations, fairs, etc) and study visits ( in the region, Portugal and abroad).

Sustainability Objectives



Main Bibliography

Author BENEVOLO, Leonardo
Title Historia de la arquitectura moderna
Edition 8ª ed. ISBN.
Place Barcelona
Editor Gustavo Gili
Year 1999
Author CHOAY, Françoise
Title O urbanismo. Utopias e realidades. Uma antologia
Edition 1ª ed. ISB
Place S. Paulo
Editor Perspectivas
Year 2007
Author SICA, Paolo
Title Historia del urbanisno El siglo XX
Edition 2ª ed. ISB
Place Madrid
Editor IEAL
Year 1981

Complementary Bibliography

Author LE GOFF, Jacques
Title Por amor das cidades
Edition 1ª ed. ISB
Place Lisboa
Editor Teorema
Year 2007
Author LAMAS, José M. Ressano Garcia
Title Morfologia urbana e desenho da cidade
Edition 4ª ed. ISB
Place Lisboa
Editor FCG
Year 2007