Cursos / 1º Ciclo / / Faculty of Architecture and Arts :: Architecture ( Integrated Master)

Versao Portuguesa


4º curricular year
Semestralidade: 1st semester


Leading Teacher: Prof. Doutor Sérgio Amorim
Assistant Professor: Prof. Doutor Sérgio Amorim

Class type and School hours

Teórica : 2 Horas

Teaching Language


Main Aims/Objectives

Provide the student with theoretical knowledge underlying the design process, trying to show that it is essential to the creation of the architectural form under the articulation theoretical knowledge / practical knowledge. In this perspective, project economics is a disciplinary area that studies the way (s) how the different elements of the project process are coordinated and their respective contributions to enhance the diversity of architectural forms.

Specific Aims/Objectives

It is intended that the student understands the design process as a scholarly act - underlying a research and structured thinking that will support the architectural form. It is also intended that the student, recognizing the variable articulation between various elements / constituents of the project process, recognizes the theoretical and practical resources to manage their creativity, thus enhancing the harmony of a formal whole - the building.

Skills to be acquired

The student should understand the economics of the project in the context of the nature / essence of the architectural project (as a transformer of potential reality; as a creative act; as a process; as a document). They should acquire skills that allow to know how to integrate their project process in the current and multidisciplinary context of contemporary architecture.

Teaching Procedures

The lectures follow a communication strategy that encourages learning, discussion, criticism and the elaboration of syntheses, starting from the presentation of contents about ´how to do´ architecture through the project(s) (texts, images, videos, cartography and schematics).


0. Project economics: ways of approaching the different elements that contribute to the harmony of the whole.
1. Nature of the project;
2. The history of the project;
3. Before you begin;
4. The sources of the project;
5. The process of idealization;
6. From ideas to forms;
7. the elaboration of the project;
8. the representation;
9. What ´to do´ and ´how to do´ it;
10. The project paths (six architects - six processes).

Evaluation Type

Continuous assessment will be supported by the following elements (taking into account the University´s General Knowledge Regulations):
1. attendance;
2. punctuality;
3. participation;
4. two written tests.

Teaching Resources

For the development / presentation / discussion of the syllabus the following resources will be used:
1. diverse bibliography with relevant information (texts, cartography, photographs, etc.);
2. projection of synthesized information (texts, cartography, photographs, etc.) into digital files (jpeg, pdf, ppt).

Sustainability Objectives


Project process
Practical thinking
Theoretical thinking
Architectural form

Main Bibliography

Author COSME, Alfonso Muñoz
Title El Proyecto de Arquitectura
Edition 2ª edição
Place Barcelona
Editor Reverté
Year 2016
Author GÄNSHIRT, Christian,
Title Tools for Ideas. Introduction to Architectural Des
Edition 1ª edição
Place Berlim
Editor Birkhäuser Architecture
Year 2007
Author MONEO, Rafael
Title Inquietação Teórica e Estratégia Projetual
Edition 1ª edição
Place São Paulo
Editor Cosac Naify
Year 2008

Complementary Bibliography

Author FRASCARI, Marco
Title Eleven Exercises. In the art of architectural draw
Edition 1ª edição
Editor Routledge
Year 2011
Author DEPLAZES (Ed.), Andrea
Title Constructing Architecture Materials Processes Stru
Edition 2ª edição
Editor Birkhäuser
Year 2005