Cursos / 1º Ciclo / / Faculty of Law :: Law

Versao Portuguesa

ÉTICA - 2016/2017

1º curricular year
Semestralidade: 1st semester


Leading Teacher: Prof. Doutor Manuel Monteiro
Assistant Professor: Prof. Doutor Manuel Monteiro

Class type and School hours

Teórico-prática : 2 Horas

Teaching Language


Main Aims/Objectives

What it is the Ethics? And what it is the Deontology?And what kind of relation we can establish between the Ethics and the Right and the Right and the Ethics? Only must the Right be understood as formal system of norms proceeding from the will of the man or its axiológic dimension has to be present, when studies it? In these terms, what we must understand for Justice, Right and Law? To answer to these questions, here it is the general objective of this discipline.

Specific Aims/Objectives

To contribute for a perception on the some conceptions that we can have of the Right, in view of a solid formation of the future jurists, continuing in the trail of Celso when affirmed that “to know the laws it is not to know its words, before is to understand the direction and the effect for them”.

Skills to be acquired

- Capacity of reflection on the direction of Justice
- Perception of the Right while object of Justice
- Distinction enters the concepts of natural law, statutory law, law joust and unjust law
- Understanding of the importance of the deontology, in the definition and the fulfilment of the professional objectivs

Teaching Procedures

The education of this disciplines understands: - Theoretician-Practical lessons, for the
transmission of contents and exemplificação of related concrete situations with these contents; -
lessons of Tutorial Orientation in view of helping to the students to one correcta bibliographical
research and one correcto agreement of the boarded substances.


1. Ethics, morality and society.
1.1. Notions of ethics and morality.
1.2. Ethics, moral and cultural pluralism.
1.3. Ethics and relativism of rules.

2. Ethics and Law:
2.1.The ethical fundament of the laws.
2.2. Ethics, law and social contract theories.

3. Some ethical theories.
3.1. Some classic theories.
3.2. Ethics and utilitarian theories.
3.3. Ethics and deontological theories.

4. Ethics and Economics:
4.1. The moral of profit and interests.
4.2. Ethics and theories of the merits and needs.
4.3. Ethics, law and publicity.

5. Ethics and the profession:
5.1. The social construction of professions: the jurists´ case.
5.2. The Professional Colleges.

6. Ethics and deontology: the foundations of professional regulation.
6.1. Concept of ethics: ethical evaluation of praxis.
6.2. Professional Ethics: the decision-making.
6.3. Individual responsibility and social responsibility.

7. Codes of Ethics and Deontology: critical analysis of some examples.

Evaluation Type

Continuous assessment follows the parameters of existing legislation and may be modified according to changes in that legislation and the guidelines of the University.

Continuous assessment will depend on the positive contribution of the following:
1. presence and active participation in class;
2. carrying out two tests of continuous assessment;
3. elaboration of a practical case study to present and discuss in class.

Teaching Resources

Handouts provided by the teacher, scientific articles;
Case study;
Guidelines in order to carry out practical work.
Power Point documents.

Sustainability Objectives


Professional regulation.

Main Bibliography

Author ALASDAIR, MacIntyre
Title Historia de la ética
Edition 1ª, 5ª impressã
Place Barcelona
Editor Paidós
Year 2014
Author SIDGWICK, Henry
Title Os Métodos da Ética
Edition Tradução da 7ª
Place Lisboa
Editor Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian
Year 2013
Author ODERBERG, David S.
Title Ética Aplicada
Place Parede
Editor Principia
Year 2009

Complementary Bibliography

Author PATTO, Pedro Vaz
Title No Cruzamento do Direito e da Ética
Author NOVAK, Michael
Title A Ética Católica e o Espírito do Capitalismo
Edition 1ª ed/reimp.
Place Parede
Editor Principia
Year 2001