Cursos / 1º Ciclo / / Faculty of Law :: International Relations

Versao Portuguesa


1º curricular year
Semestralidade: 2nd semester


Leading Teacher: Prof. Doutor Joel Mata
Assistant Professor: Prof. Doutor Joel Mata

Class type and School hours

Orientação Tutorial : 1 Horas
Teórico-prática : 2 Horas

Teaching Language


Main Aims/Objectives

-Developing the concept of evolution of Diplomatic History, to establish relations of continuity of relations between states in the initiation of diplomatic history methodology
- Develop communication skills.
-Develop the capacity of mutual respect, openness to change, reflect on the need for communication between the states and understand the different political models
- Develop reflection on international problems

Specific Aims/Objectives

-Knowing the importance of diplomatic relations in peacebuilding
-Interpret the diplomatic treaties
-Identify the political actors
-Recognize the significance of the consolidation of the Portuguese border
Conteúdos programáticos

Skills to be acquired

-Address the issues of Portuguese diplomacy critically
-Locate the diplomatic treaties in their historical contexts
-To investigate the basis of published documentation and handwritten
-Interpret critically the broad lines of Portuguese diplomacy

Teaching Procedures

Presentation of the the matter by the teacher followed by presentation of texts /literay Works, display exemplary monuments and their simultaneous discussion between teacher and studients


1- The formation of Portugal
1.1-The Conference of Zamora (1143)
1.2-The Roman Curia and the recognition of the kingdom of Portugal
2 - The balance peninsular
2.1-Alliances and royal marriages Peninsula
2.2-The Portuguese position in the frame peninsular
3 - Presence of Portugal In-Pyrenees
3.1-The Portuguese royal weddings in Northern Europe
3.2-Relations Portugal-England
4 - Threats to the political survival of Portugal
4.1-The disputes with the Church
4.2-D. Sancho II
5- The setting borders
5.1-The Treaty of Alcanises
5.2-D. Pedro I and D. Fernando
6 - The foreign policy of D. Afonso V D. Manuel
6.1-D. Afonso V
6.2-D. João II and D. Manuel
7 - The Portuguese presence in the world
7.1-A Portuguese expansion overseas and the Holy See
7.2-In D. João II of D. Sebastião
8 - Portugal 1580-1640
8.1-The fall of the Portuguese political individuality
9 - The Restoration
9.1-A foreign policy
10 - Portugal and Europe (XVIII century)
10.1-At the time of D. João V
10.2-At the time of D. José
10.3- At the time of D. Maria

Evaluation Type

- Program to perform tasks that stimulate the skills of critical intervention.
- Providing conditions for the participation of students in activities requiring statements of ethical character.
- Rules: 1. Attendance (as the general rules of evaluation), 2. Writing exercises (two) on a work, author, monument, cultural period, 3. writing exercise covering the whole of the syllabus (frequency).

Teaching Resources

Literature indicated, overhead projector, slide projector, data projector / power point and the frame; Library (consult general works, special works, computer facilities with Internet access, any public presentation of the information collected and produced

Sustainability Objectives


-Relations between states
-International politics
-Matrimonial alliances in the political context

Main Bibliography

Author MARTINEZ, Pedro Soares
Title História Diplomática de Portugal
Place Coimbra
Editor Almedina
Year 2010
Author BRANDÃO, Fernando de Castro
Title História Diplomática de Portugal. Uma cronologia
Place Lisboa
Editor Livros Horizonte
Year 2002
Author AAVV
Title Encontros e Desencontros Ibéricos. Tratados Hispa
Place Lisboa
Editor Chaves Ferreira
Year 2006

Complementary Bibliography

Author Rodrigues, Ana Maria S.A.
Title Casamentos da Familia Real Portuguesa. Diplomacia
Place Lisboa
Editor Circulo de Leitores
Year 2017
Author GARCIA, José Manuel
Title D. João II vs Colombo
Place Vila do Conde
Editor Quid NOVI
Year 2012