Cursos / 1º Ciclo / / Faculty of Law :: International Relations

Versao Portuguesa


2º curricular year
Semestralidade: 2nd semester


Leading Teacher: Prof. Doutor João Amorim Esteves
Assistant Professor: Prof. Doutor João Amorim Esteves

Class type and School hours

Orientação Tutorial : 1 Horas
Teórico-prática : 2 Horas

Teaching Language


Main Aims/Objectives

The course of Geopolitics and Geostrategy has as the global objective the study of its conceptual framework and the approach of principles, doctrines and theories, which in itself, constitutes the substantive matter to minister.

Specific Aims/Objectives

The syllabus was designed to provide students, also, expertise in approach, not only, of the classical theories, but also, of the chains of new Geopolitics and Geostrategy, using their own terminology and individualized and global criticism.

Skills to be acquired

To provide the necessary training to think about contemporary geopolitical and geostrategic issues and of its impact at a global level; to identify the Geopolitics and the Geostrategy as methods of analysis and interpretation, both in the International Relations, such as of the domestic and regional politics level (EU). In a more specific aspect, can analyze the different CTZ, linking the discussions to the different security concepts.

Teaching Procedures

The methodology includes theoretical and practical lessons, we want they are interactive, so encouraging to oral intervention on the themes of the program, and the preparation of written papers and others, appealling to various media, including the audio-visual ones. In the tutorial sessions it will be made, allways it is possible, the monitoring of each student, guiding their study and in their Research Work (RW).


1. Introduction of the teacher.
1.1. Presentation of the course: objectives, methodology, evaluation
1.2. The importance of the discipline in the course of IR.
1.3. Presentation of the Bibliography
2. Theoretical framework:
2.1. The Strategy (concept evolution)
2.2. Frame delimiter
2.3. Applied strategy (levels, branches, attitudes, modes)
3. Theoretical framework (continued)
3.1. Power and strategy (power levels)
3.2. Calculation of national power
4. Theoretical framework (continued)
4.1. Introduction to the Geopolitics
4.2. Political geography and Geopolitics
4.3. Geostrategy and Geopolitics
5. The Precursors of the Geopolitics (phases)
5.1. From the pre-geopolitical to F.Ratzel (1844-1904) and Elisée Reclus (1830-1905)
5.2. Geopolitics (Rudolf Kjellen - 1864 -1922)
6. Theories of the Classical Geopolitics
6.1. About the global theories
6.2. Geopolitics of the sea power - Alfred Thayer Mahan (1840 - 1914)
7. Theories of the Classical Geopolitics (cont.)
7.1. Geopolitics of the earth power -Halford Mackinder (1861 - 1947)
7.2. The dualistic theory - Nicholas J. Spykman (1893 - 1943)
8. Theories of the Classical Geopolitics (cont.)
8.1. Geopolitics of the air power
8.2. Tactical / Air Strategy - G. Douhet - William Mitchel - John C. Slessor
8.3. Geopolitical reading; George Renner (1900 - 1955)
8.4. Theory of the air power; Alexander P. Seversky (1894 - 1974)
9. Geopolitical and Geostrategic Regions
9.1. Regional divisions in the classical theories
9.2. The oceanic regions of Pierre Celérier; the world divided of Samuel Cohen. Sensitive areas.
9.3. Post-Cold War divisions
10. The Nuclear power in a geopolitical perspective vs geopolitics of the nuclear power
11. Criticism to the classical theories of the geopolitics (individual and global)
12. The new geopolitics
12.1. The image of Keyserling
12.2. From Elisée Reclus to Josué de Castro
12.3. The ecopolitics, the demopolítics and the geo-economics
13. The peace in a geopolitical perspective vs a geostrategy for the peace.

Evaluation Type

The evaluation system is carried out according to the rules defined in the General Regulation of Knowledge Assessment of the Lusíada Universities. It will therefore be taken into account, in addition to the final evaluation, the ´continuous evaluation´, comprising the interest and the attendance, the degree of participation in class, work papers, mini-tests, among other elements.

Teaching Resources

Overhead projector (OHP) - Computer and data projector - maps - specific documentation

Sustainability Objectives


Politics - Strategy - Geopolitics - Geostrategy - Classical Geopolitics - New Geopolitics

Main Bibliography

Author CORREIA, Pedro de Pezarat
Title Manual de Geopolítica e Geoestratégia
Edition Dezembro 2018
Place Lisboa
Editor Edições 70 - Almedina, S.A.
Year 2018
Author DIAS, Carlos M. Mendes - SEQUEIRA, J. M. Dias
Title ESTRATÉGIA - Fundamentos Teóricos (Tomo I e II)
Edition LtrasItinrantes
Editor Letras Itinerantes
Year 2015 - 2017
Author FERNANDES, António Horta
Edition 1ª. edição
Place Lisboa
Year 2011

Complementary Bibliography

Author GARCÊS, Ana Paula e MARTINS, Guilherme d´Oliveira
Title Os Grandes Mestres da Estratégia - Guerra e Paz
Edition 1ª. Edição
Place Coimbra
Editor Almedina, SA
Year 2009
Author AAVV
Title Grandes Estrategistas Portugueses
Edition 1ª. edição
Place Lisboa
Editor Edições Sílabo, Ldª.
Year 2007