Cursos / 1º Ciclo / / Institute of Psychology and Educational Sciences :: Psychology

Versao Portuguesa


1º curricular year
Semestralidade: 1st semester


Leading Teacher: Prof. Doutora Ana Meireles
Assistant Professor: Prof. Doutora Ana Meireles

Class type and School hours

Teórico-prática : 2 Horas
Orientação Tutorial : 1 Horas

Teaching Language


Main Aims/Objectives

The main aim of Learning Psychology is to enable students in the study and reflection on the major theoretical concepts underlying the following paradigms of human learning and the main implications in Clinic Psychology, Educational Psychology and Organizacional Psychology.

Specific Aims/Objectives

1. To know and understand the different theoretical approaches those explain the main basic processes of learning.

2. To explore and understand the implications of different theoretical approaches in the analysis and psychological intervention.

3. To develop helpful attitudes and skills to a critical reflection on their own learning process.

Skills to be acquired

1. Contributes for an indepth understanding of the different approaches in the study of the basic learning processes and the actual learning models.

2. The students must explore and understand the practical application of different theoretical approaches in the analysis and pedagogical intervention and should have the attitudes and skills conducive to critical reflection on their own learning process.

Teaching Procedures

1. Theoretical classes focus on transmission of scientific knowledge about the principal topics of the syllabus.

2. Theoretical-practical classes, focusing on discussion oriented towards topics and papers related to the syllabus topics (e.g. seminars, etc.).

3. Practical classes encourage critical reflection on own learning process of students. The discussion of cases in small groups encourages a critical stance of the students and a personal reflection on the learning process itself.


I. Introduction to the Study of Psychology of Learning
1. Learning concept
2. Historical background of modern learning theory
3. Major forms of learning

II. Basic learning processes
1. Respondent learning (Pavlov)
2. Operant and instrumental learning (Thorndike and Skinner)
3. Practical examples of analysis and psychological intervention

III. Learning types and models
1. Observational learning (Bandura)
2. Learning and cognitive development (Piaget)
3. Socio-constructivism learning (Vygotsky)
4. Discovery learning (Bruner)
5. Practical examples of analysis and psychological intervention

IV. Skills for learning
1. Self-regulated learning
2. Learning strategies
3. Metacognition

V. Implications for Clinical Psychology, Educational Psychology and Organizational Psychology

Evaluation Type

1. Attendance, punctuality and active participation in class.

2. Written evaluation.

3. Individual reports, group discussion and group research projects.

4. Conferences, seminars and study tours.

Teaching Resources


Classroom assessement.

Pedagogical supervision.

Theoretical and bibliographic support.

Sustainability Objectives


Learning, associationism, funcionalism, cognitivism.

Main Bibliography

Author CAMPOS, Dinah
Title Psicologia da aprendizagem
Edition 31.ª ed.
Place Petrópolis
Editor Editora Vozes.
Year 2001
Title História da psicologia moderna
Edition 1.ª ed.
Place São Paulo
Editor Thomson Learning
Year 2006
Author SPITZER. M.
Title Aprendizagem-neurociências e a escola da vida
Edition 1.ª ed.
Place Lisboa
Editor Climepsi editores
Year 2007

Complementary Bibliography

Title Psicologia
Edition 5ª ed.
Place Lisboa
Editor Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian
Year 2002
Author LOBATO, G. e BAHIA, S. (Org.)
Title Psicologia da Educação: Temas de desenvolvimento,