Cursos / 1º Ciclo / / Institute of Psychology and Educational Sciences :: Psychology

Versao Portuguesa


2º curricular year
Semestralidade: 1st semester


Leading Teacher: Prof. Doutora Ana Meireles
Assistant Professor: Prof. Doutora Ana Meireles

Class type and School hours

Orientação Tutorial : 1 Horas
Teórico-prática : 2 Horas

Teaching Language


Main Aims/Objectives

Frame epistemologically Scientific Research in Psychology;
Develop the most relevant theoretical issues in the context of Qualitative Research in Psychology;
Describe and characterize the main qualitative methods and techniques in Psychology Research;
Train key skills for implementation and application of methods and techniques of qualitative research in Psychology.

Specific Aims/Objectives

Proceed to the distinction between Qualitative and Quantitative Research;
Describe the Quantitative and Qualitative research as to its nature, aims, scope and methodology for collecting and analyzing data;
Characterize the main data collection methods in qualitative research;
Understanding the fundamentals of qualitative approaches to data analysis
Develop reflection and critical capacity in relation to the accuracy and credibility of IQ.

Skills to be acquired

It is expected that in the end the students have acquired research skills, in particular with regard to the ability to design and conduct a scientific research project. It is expected that students are able to distinguish between Qualitative Research and Quantitative Research to enable them to choose or combine them. It is expected that students are able to plan and conduct a Qualitative Research.

Teaching Procedures


A.I Qualitative Research: definition and epistemological framework.
1.Definição qualitative research.
2. The techniques of qualitative research.
3.Enquadramento epistemological Qualitative Research and Quantitative Research: The constructivist paradigm exploratory content and positivist hypothetical-deductive content.

II.A Qualitative Research and Quantitative Research.
1.Diferenças and complementarity between qualitative research and quantitative research: theoretical, objectives, techniques, sample, research proposals, data types.

III.Tradições and theoretical orientations in Qualitative Research.
4.Interaccionismo symbolic.
Ecological 5.Psicologia.
6.Perspectiva Theory and Systemic.
8.Investigação Qualitative orientational.

IV.Características Qualitative Research.
1.Inquérito Naturalist.
2.Analysis Inductive.
3.Contacto Personal Direct.
4.Perspectiva Holistic / Global.
5.Perspectiva Dynamic and Developmental.
6.Each case is a case.
7.Neutralidade Empathic.
8.Empatia and Insight.
9.Flexibilidade design.

V. concepts of validity and reliability and its application to Qualitative techniques.
1.The concepts of validity and reliability: A (s) difficulty (s) of your application in Qualitative Research.
2. The prospect of Merrick (1999) - new concepts: trust, representation and reflexivity.
3. Strategies to promote the credibility of the Qualitative Research.

Evaluation Type

Teaching Resources

Sustainability Objectives


Main Bibliography

Author PATTON, M. Q.
Title Qualitative Evaluation and Research Methods
Place San Francisco
Editor Sage
Year 2002
Author Bogdan, R. & Biklen, S.
Title Qualitative research for education
Editor Pearson
Year 2020
Author SMITH, J.A.
Title Qualitative Psychology. A practical guide to resea
Place London
Editor Sage
Year 2008

Complementary Bibliography

Author DENZIN. N. K. & LINCOLN, Y. S. (Eds.)
Title The Sage Handbook of Qualitative Research.
Title Qualitative Methods in Social Research