Cursos / 1º Ciclo / / Institute of Psychology and Educational Sciences :: Psychology

Versao Portuguesa


3º curricular year
Semestralidade: 1st semester


Leading Teacher: Mestre Armando Pinho
Assistant Professor: Mestre Armando Pinho

Class type and School hours

Teórico-prática : 2 Horas

Teaching Language


Main Aims/Objectives

Systematize knowledge on theoretical and methodological models of Psychology in the context of constructivist, social constructionist and critical perspectives
Map these theories and models historically and epistemologically
Summarize key concepts, theoretical and methodological characteristics, and foundational assumptions
Differentiate critically and apply the conceptions formulated by these theories and models regarding the understanding of psychological processes and mechanisms, and psychological functioning and dysfunction, in different areas and contexts

Specific Aims/Objectives

Differentiate and compare at different levels of understanding the psychological models presented: metatheoric; conceptual and methodological.
Provide representative examples of paradigmatic models and authors for each perspective.
Instill a sustained, critical analysis of the models presented.
Promote training in the application of concepts and methodologies referred to, in the resolution of hypothetical situations.
Instilling depth and future explorations of the cited models.

Skills to be acquired

Recognize and map these theories and models historically and epistemologically.
Identify and summarize these psychological perspectives? key concepts, theoretical and methodological characteristics.
Understand their main ontological, epistemological and axiomatic foundational.
Differentiate, analyze and apply appropriately the conceptions formulated in relation to psychological functioning and dysfunction, behavioral change/ transformation processes and techniques of psychological intervention.

Teaching Procedures

Multimedia lectures of the syllabus. Readings and discussion of selected topics and books.
Practical exercises to apply concepts and theories.
Monitoring and supervision of a written essay about a specific topic of the syllabus.


A- Characterization of postmodern paradigm in Psychology

1. Main influences, contributions and key concepts of postmodern psychology.
a. The context of philosophical and scientific thought.
b. The value of pluralistic, dialogic, contextual and pragmatic (action) approaches.
c. Postmodernism in Psychopathology and Psychotherapy: crisis on realism, mental illness and self.

2. Narratives and discursive perspectives of psychology.

B- Historical-epistemological framework of constructivist approach

1. Constructive-developmental models? contributions:
a) Personal constructs theory - George Kelly (1955).
b) Jean Piaget (1896-1980) and Lev Vygostky (1896-1934) foundational theories.
c) The importance of developmental and cultural dimensions of the theories and models of Jerome Bruner (1915-) e Allen Ivey (1933-).

2. The evolution of cognitive sciences and cognitive revolutions.

C- Main constructivist theories and models:

1) Pos-racionalist cognitive/constructivist therapy - Vittorio Guidano (1987)
2) Hubert J. M. Hermans? Model(1992): dialogical self theory (therapeutic and educational applications).
3) Robert A. Neimeyer (2001): reconstruction of meaning theory (loss and grief).

D - Historical-epistemological framework of social constructionist and critical approaches.

1. The main importance of Michel Foucault?s theory (1926-1984), post-structuralism thought and critical theory.
2. Social constructionist conceptualizations of self-identity and therapeutic process:
a) Kenneth Gergen (1991), Mary Gergen (2001) and Sheila McNamee (1992) constributions.
b) Reflectivity and political criticism on social constructionism ? Carla Willig (1999), Ian Parker (1999).

E- Major social constructionist theories and models:

1) Re-authoring narrative therapy - Michael White & David Epston (1990);
2) Solution focused therapy - Steve De Shazer (1991);
3) Collaborative Therapy Model - Harlene Andersen & Harold Goolishian (1992);
4) Performative Psychology and Social Therapy Model - Lois Holzman & Fred Newman (1996);
5) Strenth-centered counseling - Y. Joel Wong (2011).

F- Critical Psychology ? foundations, key concepts and applications:

1) Klaus Holzkamp? first contributions (1983) and German Critical Psychology.
2) Critical psychology, new subjetivities and identity politics? Valerie Walkerdine (2002).
3) Critical discrusive psychoogy and Ian Parker?s contribute (1997).
4) Feminist, LGBT and Queer critical psychology: Erika Apfelbaum (1979), Erika Burman (1990), Celia Kitzinger (1987); Judith Butler (1993), Eve Sedgewick (1993).

Evaluation Type

Continuous assessment:
1- Frequency of 70% of classes
2- Two written tests: the theoretical component of the course
3- Other elements of evaluation: a written essay to apply the concepts and methods of the psychological models to concrete situations.
Weighting: 2 tests = 75% written tests; Other elements of assessment = 25%.
Continuous evaluation is worth 60% of the final grade.

Teaching Resources

Oral presentation of the topics.
Group discussion.
PC and multi-media projector.
Educational videos.
Recommended readings: scientific articles and books.

Sustainability Objectives


Postmodern Psychology - Constructivism - Social constructionism - Critical Psychology

Main Bibliography

Author Jones-Smith, Elsie
Title Theories of counseling and psychotherapy: An integ
Edition 2ª ed
Place London
Editor Sage
Year 2015
Author Gonçalves, Miguel; Gonçalves, Óscar
Title Psicoterapia, discurso e narrativa: A construção c
Edition 1ª ed.
Place Coimbra
Editor Quarteto
Year 2001
Author Burr, Vivien
Title Social constructionism
Edition 3ª ed
Place London
Editor Sage
Year 2015

Complementary Bibliography

Author Bruner, Jerome
Title Actos de significado: Para uma psicologia cultural
Edition 1ª ed
Place Lisboa
Editor Edições 70
Year 2008
Author Fox, Dennis; Prilleltensky, Isaac
Title Critical psychology: An introduction
Edition 2ª ed.
Place London
Editor Sage
Year 2009