Cursos / 1º Ciclo / / Faculty of Economy and Business Management :: Business Management

Versao Portuguesa

FISCALIDADE - 2023/2024

2º curricular year
Semestralidade: 2nd semester


Leading Teacher: Prof. Dr. Emanuel Vidal Lima
Assistant Professor: Prof. Dr. Emanuel Vidal Lima

Class type and School hours

Orientação Tutorial : 1 Horas
Teórico-prática : 2 Horas

Teaching Language


Main Aims/Objectives

Apprehension of the fundamental concepts related to the tax. Knowing the structure of the Portuguese tax system and allowing international comparison, in particular, in the community area. Making the students able to the understanding of the functioning of taxes on organizations? framework and in specific within the business activity.

Specific Aims/Objectives

Acquisition of the necessary skills from the perspective of the business activity, to the application of the taxes? technique, and in particular to the rules on taxation of domestic transactions and in the context of international trade transactions and the rules for the determination of the taxable profit and tax calculation for purposes of companies? income taxation.

Skills to be acquired

- Knowledge of the environment that will affect the application of tax
- Frame the development of tax from the perspective of the building of the European Union
- To understand the functioning of the tax on organizations? framework and in specific within the business activity
- The students must be aware of the taxpayers? obligations in general and in the different areas of taxes specific application
- Acquire sensibility for the tax implications in force and which are applicable to the different acts of management.

Teaching Procedures

Theoretical explanation, using expose, demonstration and interrogative methods, as well as the active method in the practical component supported in powerpoint presentations and the discussion of documents distributed in the classes. Resolution of case studies to enable the students to link the lived realities within the taxpayers and the theoretical approach. Elaboration of practical works.


1. Key concepts: a) The State financial activity; b) Tax law and Taxation; c) Concept of tax; d) Phases of the tax; e) Classification of taxes.
2. Basic concepts about Portuguese tax system: a) Tax structure; b) Taxation level; c) Tax effort; d) Principles enshrined in the Portuguese Constitution.
3. Taxation of consumption.
4. General consumption taxes and excise duties. Types of general consumption taxes. Reasons for the choice by the VAT.
5. The harmonization of the taxation of transactions in the European Union. Directive 2006/112/EC.
6. Value added tax (Código do IVA e RITI): a) Taxable transactions; b) Taxable persons; c) Territoriality rules; d) Tax clearance; e) Chargeable event and chargeability; f) Taxable amount, rates and lists annexed to the CIVA; g) The particular case of the Autonomous Regions of the Azores and Madeira; h) The cash accounting scheme; I)"Reverse-charge" situations in internal operations; j) Operations that confer the right to deduct; l) Exemptions in internal operations and consequences on the mechanism of deductions; m) Other aspects relating to the right to deduct: conditions, limitations and exclusions; n) International trade operations framework; o) The subordination to the principle of taxation in the country of destination; p) Regime of exports and imports of goods; q) Intra-Community goods transmissions and intra-Community acquisitions of goods; r) Operations on boats and planes; s) The supply of services territoriality and extraterritorial applicable rules; t) The situations of "reverse-charge"; u) Fill the VAT periodic return and the recapitulative statement; v) Other obligations of taxable persons, in specific those relating to billing; w) Special schemes.
7. Income taxation.
8. The corporate income tax: a) Taxable event; b) Liability rules; c) Corporate income tax structure; d) Nature of taxable persons, knowledge of the incidence and tax bases; e) Tax period; f) Tax declaration (model 22) and the simplified business information; g) The tax "dossier"; h) The companies taxation; I) The concept of profit; j) Determining taxable profit; l) Fiscal corrections and fiscal regimes; m) The determination of the tax income; n) The simplified taxation regime; o) Tax Calculation; p) Autonomous Taxation; q) Tax payment. Payments on account.
9. The spill and the Local Finance Law. The state spill. Additional payment on account.
10. Property taxation. Municipal tax on real estate and municipal tax on real estate transfers.
11. The IRS and the companies. The legal framework regulating the withholding taxes and their practical application.

Evaluation Type

Attendance and completion of two written tests.

Teaching Resources

As support for the study, through the platform, in advance, are provided to the students case studies for discussion and resolution in classes OT, as well as the powerpoint presentations that will be used in classes T/P and other material such as texts, legislation and administrative instructions.

Sustainability Objectives


As support for the study, through the platform, in advance, are provided to the students case studies for discussion and resolution in classes OT, as well as the powerpoint presentations that will be used in classes T/P and other material such as texts, legislation and administrative instructions.

Main Bibliography

Author Almedina
Title Códigos Tributários e Legislação Complementar
Edition 25.ª
Place Coimbra
Editor Almedina - ISBN 9789894010425
Year 2023
Author CATARINO, João Ricardo, GUIMARÃES, Vasco Branco
Title Lições de Fiscalidade - Princípios Gerais e Fiscal
Edition 7.ª - Reimp. 20
Place Coimbra
Editor Almedina - ISBN 9789724089829
Year 2021
Author COURINHA, Gustavo Lopes
Title Manual do Imposto sobre o Rendimento das Pessoas C
Edition 1.ª
Place Coimbra
Editor Almedina - ISBN 9789724079363
Year 2019

Complementary Bibliography

Author PALMA, Clotilde Celorico; Cadernos IDEFF - N.º 1
Title Introdução ao Imposto sobre o Valor Acrescentado
Edition 6.ª - Reimpres
Place Coimbra
Editor Almedina - ISBN 9789724056562
Year 2017
Author LIMA, Emanuel Vidal
Title Imposto sobre o Valor Acrescentado - Comentado e A
Edition 9.ª
Place Porto
Editor Porto Editora - ISBN 9789720061362
Year 2003