Cursos / 1º Ciclo / / Faculty of Architecture and Arts :: Design

Versao Portuguesa


2º curricular year
Semestralidade: 2nd semester


Leading Teacher: Prof. Doutor Mário Barros

Class type and School hours

Teórica : 2 Horas

Teaching Language


Main Aims/Objectives

This course has the purpose to provide the students an evolutionary understanding and
contextualized design through history. It aims to facilitate the understanding of
interdisciplinaridades to consolidate the history of design, as well as to understand their
genesis, considering the close relationship with aspects of technique, creativity, ethics,
knowledge, culture, society, political and economic environment.

Specific Aims/Objectives

Promote and encourage an analytical, critical and reflective in design.
Develop capacity to relate content and historical moments for understanding
design of contemporary society.
Encourage reading and interpretation practices.
Enhance verbal and written expression at the level of subject area, using literature and
authors to theoretical foundation.
Enlarge the theoretical aspect in design history.

Skills to be acquired

Knowing the historical context of the design and its broad applicability.
Identify the historical moments of continuity and conceptual / ideological break
relevant for the construction design professional.
Acquire reasoning ability, interpretation, identification and analysis of parallels between the past and the present design.
Have the ability to identify and relate themes, moments and key players
the history of design.

Teaching Procedures

The teaching methodology to be used will use the expository methods, interrogative and active.
In the teaching sessions the interrogative method will allow targeted and open debates to
support the learning content. The active method will enhance the involvement,
interest, analysis and criticism from students.
Complement of content through study visits, conferences and other activities


1. Background of Design and similar practices.
2. Industrial Revolution: A social, economic and cultural rise.
3. From the pioneering revivals design. Arts and crafts.
4. "American System". Taylorism, Fordism, standardization and mass consumption.
5. Beginning of Modernism. New art and its relevance in the world. "Art Nouveau", "Jungendstil" and
"Wiener Sezession".
6. Deutscher Werkbund: German archetype.
7. The legacy of the Vanguards Russian and Neoplasticism "De Stijl".
8. Bauhaus in Weimar, Dessau and Berlin.
9. Functionalism, Art Deco, "L´Esprit Nouveau" in the International style.
10. Styling American, Streamlining, Hochschule für Gestaltung in Ulm (HfG).
11. Post-modernism, anti-design and utopian movements.
12. Evolution of Design in Portugal.

Evaluation Type

written tests, individual assignments, attendance and active participation; according to
specifications of the General Regulation of evaluation.

Teaching Resources

Bibliography support (monographs, articles, interviews, websites, complementary texts, between
image projection means and audiovisual material.
Room with computers with internet connection.
Films, conferences, exhibitions and study tours.

Sustainability Objectives


History of Design

Main Bibliography

Author PEVSNER, Nikolaus
Title Os Pioneiros do Desenho Moderno
Edition 2ª ed.
Place São Paulo
Editor Martins Fontes
Year 1995
Author FORTY, Adrian
Title Objetos de Desejo: Design e sociedade desde 1750
Place São Paulo
Editor Cosac Naify
Year 2005
Author BURDEK, Bernard E.
Title Design, História, Teoria e Prática do Design de Pr
Edition 1ª ed.
Place São Paulo
Editor Blucher
Year 2006

Complementary Bibliography

Author SPARKE, Penny
Title Design in context
Edition 1ª ed.
Place Londres
Editor Bloomsbury
Year 1987
Author MEGGS, Philip; PURVIS, Allston
Title História do Design Gráfico
Edition 2ª ed.
Place São Paulo
Editor Cosac Naify
Year 2009