Cursos / 1º Ciclo / / Faculty of Law :: Criminology

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1º curricular year
Semestralidade: 2nd semester


Leading Teacher: Mestre Josefina Castro

Class type and School hours

Orientação Tutorial : 1 Horas
Teórico-prática : 2 Horas

Teaching Language


Main Aims/Objectives

- To introduce students to the processes of definition and reaction to deviant behaviour and their social determinants, by examining the main sociological perspectives on deviance and social control, their theoretical foundations, contemporary developments and political implications.
-To develop conceptual and theoretical tools for the analysis of social phenomena and problems related to deviance and control.

Specific Aims/Objectives

By the end of the curricular unit, the students should be able to:

-Identify the major sociological perspectives on deviance, crime and social control and to understand its central concepts, theoretical foundations, current developments and social and political implications.
-Understand the relationship between the processes of definition and reaction to the deviation and the main control systems and processes.
-To integrate and apply the acquired knowledge to the analysis of social phenomena.

Skills to be acquired

By the end of the UC, students are expected to have developed:
- analytical skills for the approach of social phenomena and problems related to deviance and social control.
- skills for the analysis of criminological and sociological literature on deviance and social control.

Teaching Procedures

The sessions combine the presentation and discussion of the program contents. Tutorial sessions are orientated toward the analysis and discussion of scientific literature and other resources previously prepared by the students. Tutorial sessions will support the continuous evaluation component.


I-Introduction: concepts, key-questions and major topics

1.-The concepts of deviance and social control.
2- Definitions and categorizations of deviance.
3.Deviance and conformity to norms and values: structural and processual approaches.
4. Power, deviance and social control.
5.Deviance, social control and social change.

II. Sociological Foundations: Durkheim, Functionalism, Marx and Symbolic Interactionism

III. Major theories on deviance and social control within sociology and sociological criminology

3.1. Functionalism and Anomie/Strain Theories
- Theoretical foundations
- E. Durkheim, Anomie theory
- R. Merton. Anomie theory
- R. Agnew, General strain theory
- Status, subcultures and structures of opportunity
- Theoretical and empirical developments
- Critiques; social and political implications

3.2. Social disorganization
- Theoretical foundations
- The Chicago School: urban ecology and social disorganization
- Shaw and Mckay´s studies on juvenile delinquency
- Physical and social disorders; collective efficacy and social capital
- Theoretical and empirical developments
- Critiques; social and political implications

3.3.Differential association and social learning
- Theoretical foundations
- E. Sutherland, Differential association theory
- R. Akers, Social learning theory
- Theoretical and empirical developments
- Critiques; social and political implications

3.4.Interactionism and Labelling
- Theoretical foundations
- Tannenbaum, Lemert and Becker, Labelling theory
- Stigma, deviant identity and deviant career
- Social construction of deviation, power and social control
- Deviancy amplification and moral panics
- Theoretical and empirical developments
- Critiques; social and political implications

3.5. Marxist and Conflict Theories
- Theoretical foundations
- Conflict and criminalization: the perspectives of Vold, Turk e Chambliss
- New Criminology, Left Realism and Critical Criminology
-Theoretical and empirical developments
- Critiques; social and political implications

3.6.Theories of Control
- Theoretical foundations
- A.Reiss, Theory of personal and social controls
- T. Hirschi, social bonds theory
- The general theory of the crime of Hirschi and Gotfredson
- Sykes and Matza, Drift and neutralization
- Theoretical and empirical developments
- Critiques; social and political implications

3.7. Routine Activities and Rational Choice
- Felson and Cohen, Routine activities theory
- Cornish and Clarke, Rational choice theory
-Defensible space and situational crime prevention
- Theoretical and empirical developments
- Critiques; social and political implications

Evaluation Type

The continuous evaluation component includes:
- 2 written tests;
- a written work.

Teaching Resources

Scientific publications and other materials provided or recommended to the students.

Sustainability Objectives


Main Bibliography

Author CLINARD, Marshall; MEIER, Robert
Title Sociology of deviant behavior
Place Belmont
Editor Wadsworth,
Year 2011
Author NEWBURN, Tim
Title Criminology
Place Londres
Editor Routledge
Year 2013
Author BRYANT, Clifton
Title The Routledge Handbook of Deviant Behavior
Place London, New York
Editor Routledge
Year 2011

Complementary Bibliography

Author THIOU, Alex ; Calhoun, Thomas; Conyers,Addrain; Copelton, Deni
Title Readings in Deviant Behavior
Author Inderbitzin, M.; Bates, K.; Gainey, R.
Title Perspectives on deviance and social control