Cursos / 2º Ciclo / / Institute of Psychology and Educational Sciences :: Educational Psychology

Versao Portuguesa


1º curricular year
Semestralidade: 1st semester


Leading Teacher: Prof. Doutora Joana Cruz
Assistant Professor: Prof. Doutora Irene Cadime

Class type and School hours

Teaching Language


Main Aims/Objectives

In this UC we aim to know the process by which children appropriate the written language features, before the formal learning of reading and writing. We also seek to explore the major acquisitions expected from the formal learning of reading and writing as well as the processes and factors that contribute to these acquisitions.

Specific Aims/Objectives

To know the evolution of concepts from the theories of reading readiness to the emergent literacy;
Explore the predictive skills of reading and writing learning;
Increase knowledge of the decoding process, fluency and reading comprehension and on spelling and text production.
To know assessment tools and intervention programs before and after the formal learning of reading and writing.

Skills to be acquired

Describe the development of knowledge and skills of children up to formal learning of reading and writing;
Evaluate predictive skills of reading and writing learning and review processes involved in decoding, fluency and reading comprehension, spelling, and text production.
Intervene deliberately promoting emergent literacy skills and basic skills of reading and writing.

Teaching Procedures

Exposure lessons. Practical exercises. Critical analyses of cientific articles. Case studies. Study visit


1. Emergent Literacy
1.1. From theories of reading readiness to the theories of emergent literacy.
1.2. Predictive skills of reading and writing.
1.3. Assessment tools in pre-school education.
1.4. Emergent literacy promotion programs

2. Formal learning of reading and writing
2.1. Decoding
2.2. Reading fluency
2.3. Reading comprehension
2.4 Spelling and writing production
2.5. Assessment tools in the elementar school
2.6. Promotion and remediative Reading and writing programs

Evaluation Type

a) Attendance;
b) Participation and work in class;
c) Speeches;
d) Individual and / or group work;
e) Writing a scientific paper (group work);
f) Written report.

Teaching Resources

Library. Classroom assessement. Pedagogical supervision. Theoretical and bibliographic support.

Sustainability Objectives


Emergent literacy;
Reading fluency;
Reading comprehension;
Text production

Main Bibliography

Author Viana, F. & Ribeiro, I.
Title Falar, ler e escrever. Propostas integradoras para
Place Braga
Editor Santillana
Year 2014
Author Julian Elliott, & Elena L. Grigorenko
Title The Dyslexia Debate
Place Cambridge
Editor Cambridge University Press
Year 2014
Author Harris, & S. Graham
Title Handbook of learning disabilities
Place New York
Editor Guilford Press
Year 2013

Complementary Bibliography

Author Cruz, J., Ribeiro, I. & Viana, F. L.
Title JIL - Jogos Interativos de Leitura.
Author Fernanda Leopoldina Viana, Iolanda da Silva Ribei
Title Aprender a Compreender Torna Mais Fácil o Saber Um