Cursos / 2º Ciclo / / Faculty of Economy and Business Management :: Management

Versao Portuguesa


1º curricular year
Semestralidade: 2nd semester
ECTS: 7.5


Leading Teacher: Prof. Doutor Vitorino Martins
Assistant Professor: Prof. Doutor Vitorino Martins

Class type and School hours

Orientação Tutorial : 1 Horas
Teórico-prática : 1 Horas

Teaching Language


Main Aims/Objectives

To study different Management subjects/ themes and to develop the ability of reading, analyse and production of studies /scientific articles

Specific Aims/Objectives

- to study relevant management research themes of the different disciplines - Management, Finance, Commerce and Marketing, Human Resources, etc.
- to know the structure and main elements of scientific articles
- developing and presenting assignments
- participation in conferences
- to know primary data studies (by questionnaire) and secondary studies (cross-section and time-series)

Skills to be acquired

- Reading, analysing, producing and presenting documents of scientific nature (articles, master thesis).
- bibliographic research
- using of different methodologies and methods of data analysis
- work in group
- participation in conferences

Teaching Procedures

- Presentation of selected research topics
- Assignments – individual and group: texts and oral presentations
- Participation in conferences


1- Proposed themes of study : objectives, explicative theories, data and methods of analysis. Analysis and debate
1.1 The portuguese footwear industry – trend and seasonal analysis and future perspectives
1.2 Brands of technologic innovation and aesthetics valorization - Apple and Tesla.
1.3 Financial ratios and firms bankruptcy forecasting

2- Analysis of articles
2.1 Touristic market segmentation and differentiation factors
2.2 The “Influencers” and sustainable consumption
2.3 Several articles about consumption, sustainability, mobility, energy and climatic transformation, e-health

3- Seminars / Conferences
3.1 Bankruptcy and recovery of Portuguese firms
3.2 Investments and hospital management in crises times

4- Presentation of individual and group assignments by students

Evaluation Type

Individual and group assignments – 50%
Written exam about the proposed themes – 50%
- The option of a unique written exam is not available and neither is a “recurso” season due to the participative and continued nature of the discipline

Teaching Resources

- Use of software, computers and projection of documents

Sustainability Objectives


- Management, Scientific articles, Assignments, Group work, Cross-section and time series data; Questionnaire and survey.

Main Bibliography