Cursos / 1º Ciclo / Faculty of Architecture and Arts :: Architecture ( Integrated Master)

Versao Portuguesa


3º curricular year
Semestralidade: 1st semester


Leading Teacher: Prof. Doutor Luís Marques Pinto
Assistant Professor: Prof. Doutor Luís Marques Pinto

Class type and School hours

Teórico-prática : 2 Horas

Teaching Language


Main Aims/Objectives

Give the students the necessary knowledge of Physical Geography for their intervention in the territorial planning.
Consider the new patterns of human development - in the physical space - and the responsibilities of the architect and the town planner, promoting a clear understanding of the physical characteristics of the place, by different characterization elements.

Specific Aims/Objectives

Make the students aware of the constraints and potentialities of terrestrial morphology and climate - essential to the study of human occupation - through the manipulation of work elements made available by Physical Geography.
Know how to use tools and methods conducive to sustainable architecture and town planning.
Know the specific characteristics of the climate in the cities.

Skills to be acquired

Students are expected to know and manipulate various concepts in the field of Physical Geography, applying them to architectural and urban planning projects. The fundamental incidence of climatology in architectural and urban planning projects is privileged.

Teaching Procedures

Using texts and images - especially cartographic images - we will try to stimulate critical thinking, discussion and the elaboration of schematic syntheses, interconnecting Physical Geography, Architecture and Urbanism.


The two-dimensional representation of the earth´s surface - maps, charts and plants.
The seasons of the year and the time measurement - time zones.
Earth´s atmosphere and oceans.
Heating and cooling of the earth´s surface.
Atmospheric humidity and precipitation.
Reading topographic maps.
Topographic maps - contour lines.
Topographic profiles.
Relation between scales and areas, in topographic maps.
Symbols in topographic maps.
Earth as life support.
Adapting the shelter to the climate.
Effects of climate on humans.
Relation between climatic elements and comfort.
Climate factors.
Converting the main geographical factors to architectural principles.

Evaluation Type

The evaluation will observe what is stipulated in the General Evaluation Regulation of the University, consisting of two interim tests and Frequency and Examination tests.
In coordination with the various curricular units of the 3rd year of the course, a practical complementary work may be used.

Teaching Resources

For the presentation and discussion of the programmatic contents, the available computer resources, namely the use of the powerpoint program, diverse bibliography, cartography, photographs and texts for critical thinking will be used.

Sustainability Objectives


Spatial structure;
Urban design.

Main Bibliography

Author STRAHLER, Arthur N. e STRAHLER, Alan H.
Title Geografía Física
Edition 3.ª ed.
Place Barcelona
Editor Ediciones Omega
Year 2005
Author RIBEIRO, Orlando e LAUTENSACH, Hermann
Title Geografia de Portugal (primeiro volume)
Edition 1ª ed.
Place Lisboa
Editor Edições Joaõ Sá da Costa
Year 1989
Author LENGEN, Johan van
Title Manual do arquiteto descalço
Edition 1.ª ed.
Place Lisboa
Editor Dinalivro
Year 2010

Complementary Bibliography

Author OLGYAY, Victor
Title Arquitetura y Clima
Edition 1.ª ed.
Place Barcelona
Editor Editorial Gustavo Gili, SL
Year 2008
Author CAVACO, Carminda
Title Geografia (1.º volume)
Edition 1.ª ed.
Place Algueirão
Editor Instituto Português de Ensino a Distância
Year 1980