Cursos / 1º Ciclo / Faculty of Law :: International Relations

Versao Portuguesa


2º curricular year
Semestralidade: 2nd semester


Leading Teacher: Prof. Doutor Queirós Menezes
Assistant Professor: Prof. Doutor Queirós Menezes

Class type and School hours

Orientação Tutorial : 1 Horas
Teórico-prática : 2 Horas

Teaching Language


Main Aims/Objectives

To present the International Economics Organizations, in the context of its increasing importance before the Globalization of the Economy and in face of the perspective of Mundialization of the economics relations.

Specific Aims/Objectives

To give the students of International Relations the specific knowledge on the existence, the ends and the functioning of the International Economics Organizations, contributing wants for its full formation in the picture of the graduation, wants for a good preparation in the performance of the future national or international professional activity.

Skills to be acquired

In the end of the period the student will have to know which is the main international economics organizations, as well as its importance not only for the functioning of the international society, as its relevance in the conditioning and influences of the internal politics of the States - members.

Teaching Procedures

The education of this disciplines understands: - Theoretician-Practical lessons, for the
transmission of contents and exemplificação of related concrete situations with these contents; -
lessons of Tutorial Orientation in view of helping to the students to one correcta bibliographical
research and one correct agreement of the boarded substances.


1. Introduction
1.1. Nature, object and methodology
1.2. Justification of its importance in graduation
1.3. Bibliography of base.
1.4 The relevance of the International Economics Organizations, before the national States.
2. Deep the Monetary International (FMI); its origins;; the Bretton-Woods Agreement; the monetary crisis of 1971; the new statutes of the FMI; the results of the FMI; the World Bank.
3. The World-wide Organization of Commerce (OMC); its origins: the GATT; the negotiations in the scope of the GATT; the round of the negotiations of Uruguay; the Agreement of Marraqueche and the foundation of the OMC; the institucional system of the OMC; the results.
4. The OCDE; the origins; the development; the objectivos; the institucional system; the results.
5. The EFTA; the origins; the results; the European Economic Space.
6. The OPEP; the origins, the functioning; the results.
7. The UEM; the origins;; the European Monetary System and the Euro; the European Only Market; the common politics; the results.
8. The NAFTA and Mercosul; the origins; the results; the relations with the UE.
9. Annual report of the curricular unit

Evaluation Type

Continuous assessment follows the parameters of existing legislation and may be modified
according to changes in that legislation and the guidelines of the University.
Continuous assessment will depend on the positive contribution of the following:
1. presence and active participation in class;
2. carrying out two tests of continuous assessment;
3. elaboration of a practical case study to present and discuss in class.

Teaching Resources

Handouts provided by the teacher, scientific articles;
Case study;
Guidelines in order to carry out practical work.
Power Point documents.

Sustainability Objectives


- International Economics Organizations
- Economy
- Globalization
- Moundialization
- Companies
- State

Main Bibliography

Author VELASCO, Manuel Diez
Title Las Organizaciones Internationales
Edition 16ª
Place Madrid
Editor Tecnos
Year 2010
Author CAMPOS, João Mota de, (coord.)
Title Organizações Internacionais
Place Coimbra
Editor Coimbra Editora
Year 2011
Author BÉLANGER, Michel
Title Instituições Económicas Internacionais
Edition 1ª ed./reimp.
Place Lisboa
Editor Instituto Piaget
Year 1999

Complementary Bibliography

Author FONTANEL, Jacques
Title Organizations économiques Internationales
Place Paris
Editor Masson
Year 1995
Author TAMAMES, Ramón; HUERTA, Begona
Title Estructura Económica Internacional
Edition 21ª
Place Madrid
Editor Alianza Editorial
Year 2010