Cursos / 1º Ciclo / Faculty of Economy and Business Management :: Business Management

Versao Portuguesa


2º curricular year
Semestralidade: 2nd semester


Leading Teacher: Prof. Doutor Jorge Figueiredo
Assistant Professor: Prof. Doutor Jorge Figueiredo

Class type and School hours

Teórico-prática : 2 Horas

Teaching Language


Main Aims/Objectives

- Develop the concept of historical evolution of culture; establish relationships between past and present, developing the notion of cultural relativism; start on the specific methodology of the History of Culture;
- Develop capacity for autonomy, and openness to change, understanding the plurality of cultural models, developing an awareness of the problems and values of national culture.

Specific Aims/Objectives

- Understand critically, the major global issues, regional and national
-Be able to develop programs humanists need them regardless of who
-Promote interculturalism
- Identify lines of cultural action
-Identity and understand the national heritage as a catalyst for development
-Recognize the national identity across Europe and the world and vice-versa
-Understand the Portuguese culture in addition to globalization. The role of a shared identity

Skills to be acquired

Tolerance towards different ethnic behaviors and respect for multiculturalism.
Flexibility to cultural change.
Protect cultural heritage.
Ability to communicate and spread Portuguese culture.
Tolerance towards different ethnic behaviors and respect for multiculturalism.
Flexibility to cultural change.
Promotion of national culture, in Portugal and abroad.

Teaching Procedures

- Theoretical-practical classes using the expository method using audiovisual media


1 - Origin, civilization and identity of a Nation
2 - The Portuguese Language in the World: Intercultural Legacy
3? The Literary Currents and the Great Actors of Portuguese Literature
4 - The Art Forms
4.1 - Architecture
4.2 - Plastic Arts
4.3 - Music
4.4 - Theater
4.5 - Dance
4.6 - Cinema
4.7 - Fashion and Design
5 - Sport and its Surroundings
6 - Economy and Tourism
6.1 -Natural Heritage
6.2 - Crafts and Gastronomy

Evaluation Type

- Assessment: Two written tests and a group assignment.

Teaching Resources

Sustainability Objectives



Main Bibliography

Author DIAS, Jorge
Title O Essencial sobre os elementos fundamentais da cul
Place Lisboa
Editor Imprensa Nacional-Casa da Moeda
Year 2004
Author MATA, Joel Silva Ferreira
Title Lições de História da Cultura Portuguesa
Place Lisboa
Editor Lusíada Editora
Year 2018
Author PAGE, Martin
Title The First global village. How Portugal changed the
Place Lisbon
Editor Casa das Letras
Year 2013

Complementary Bibliography

Author L`Eglise - Costa, Pierre
Title Portugal Visto de Fora
Author RIBEIRO, Rita
Title A Europa na Identidade National