Cursos / 1º Ciclo / Faculty of Law :: Law

Versao Portuguesa


4º curricular year
Semestralidade: 1st semester


Leading Teacher: Prof. Doutor Paulo Sousa Pinheiro
Assistant Professor: Prof. Doutor Paulo Sousa Pinheiro

Class type and School hours

Teórico-prática : 2 Horas
Orientação Tutorial : 1 Horas

Teaching Language


Main Aims/Objectives

- Provide students with knowledge about the portuguese labour procedural law.
- Identification of the applicable legal standards.
- Apprehension and comprehension of the specialties of the labour procedure, of the proceedings of labour judicial actions and labour precautionary measures.

Specific Aims/Objectives

- Students shall identify the main problems posed by the portuguese labour procedural legislation and discussed in the case law.

Skills to be acquired

- Solid knowledge about this branch of law and tools for performing professional activity, in a theoretical-practical perspective.

Teaching Procedures

- Lecture method, with permanent analysis of the legislation and review of case law.


1. General aspects and framework
2. The principles of labour procedural law
3. The procedural presuppositions
4. The labour precautionary measures
5. Types and forms of labour procedure
6. The common declaratory process and its procedure
7. The special procedures and their proceedings
8. Judicial appeals
9. The labour executive process

Evaluation Type

- Two written tests (pontos escritos) and a mandatory written examination (prova de frequência escrita).

Teaching Resources

- General and specialized library.
- Computer and internet.

Sustainability Objectives


- Labour Procedural Law
- Civil Procedural Law
- Labour Courts
- Labour procedural legislation
- Special procedures
- Appeals against Dismissal Procedure

Main Bibliography

Author PINHEIRO, Paulo Sousa
Title Curso de Direito Processual do Trabalho
Edition Reimpressão2023
Place Coimbra
Editor Almedina
Year 2020
Title Direito Processual do Trabalho
Edition 2.ª edição
Place Lisboa
Editor Universidade Católica Editora
Year 2022
Author MARTINS, Alcides
Title Direito do Processo Laboral
Edition 5.ª edição
Place Coimbra
Editor Almedina
Year 2023

Complementary Bibliography

Author BAPTISTA, Albino Mendes
Title A Nova Acção de Impugnação do Despedimento e a Rev
Author MARTINS, José Joaquim F. Oliveira
Title Código de Processo do Trabalho Anotado e Comentado