Kevin Cloninger, PhD, Anthropedia Foundation;
Paulo Moreira, Doutor, pela Universidade Lusíada.
This course is held by the Instituto de Psicologia e Ciências da Educação [Institute of Psychology and Educational Sciences], at Universidade Lusíada – Norte (Porto) [Lusíada University – North (Porto)], in collaboration with the Centro de Investigação em Psicologia para o Desenvolvimento (CIPD) [Psychology for Positive Development Research Center] and the Anthropedia Foundation, a not-for-profit charitable organization USA.
The course was designed by the Anthropedia Institute, Anthropedia’s Scientific Advisory Board, in collaboration with the Center for Well-Being at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis, USA. The course has been designed to prepare helping professionals for work in the fields of psychology, counseling, coaching, public health, and preventive health and well-being. The course consists of ten 4-day blocks over the course of 1 year.
The student is exposed to a mixture of teaching practices: didactic learning, experiential learning, personal study, and physical movement. The course addresses calls from world health organizations (e.g., the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, World Health Organization) and federal governments for making changes in public health promotion strategies to reduce health care costs and to help individuals to make informed choices about their own health. Given the burden of lifestyle and stress-related illness in the world, there is a need for a new profession on health and well-being promotion that can complement and bolster the work accomplished by other health care professionals.
The attending students may come from different work environments, such as, community centers, clinics, hospitals, private practice, corporations, schools, and other health care venues. At the end of the course, besides credits, students may apply for becoming certified life coach with an emphasis on well-being by the Anthropedia Foundation. The graduates are expected to be experts in lifestyle transformation, stress management, and well-being promotion. All methods used in Anthropedia’s coaching methods are evidence based, and studies have shown that participants in the training and those receiving coaching have statistically significant increases in character development and subjective well-being as measured
The course is currently be offered at St. Louis University in St. Louis, MO, at the Academie Francaise de Coaching de Vie in Vallauris, France, at the University of Rome, Sapienza, in Rome, and at the Centre of Competence, Karlskrona, Blekinge, Sweden.
At the end of the course students should be able to:
1.1 Knowledge and Comprehension
• Demonstrate knowledge and understanding in the field of well-being, including knowledge of the area's scientific foundation, and knowledge of applicable methods in the Science of Well-Being.
• The student is expected to demonstrate comprehension on the basic concepts covered in the Know Yourself DVD Series and the Coaching Skills modules.
1.2 Skills
• The student is expected to demonstrate competency in the use of the exercises demonstrated during the program.
• Demonstrate the skills required to work independently as a coach by delivering at least 5 pre-sessions and maintaining two clients.
• Demonstrate the ability to search, collect, evaluate and critically interpret relevant information in a problem and to critically discuss phenomena, issues, and situations.
As a minimum requirement the applicant should have a *Bachelor’s degree in a field relevant to the course or admitted to the Masters/Doctoral program in Psychology. In addition, the applicant will be interviewed as part of the entrance requirements in order to discuss and decide whether the training fits the applicant.
* A bachelor's degree is a course of higher education academic study leading to a qualification such as a bachelor of arts (BA) or bachelor of science (BSc). In UK bachelor's degrees are first cycle (end of cycle) qualifications in the Bologna Process
Attending at least 70% of classes and passing the final assignment entitles you to issue a Diploma for passing the course.
Part 1:
Coaching Foundations
-Body Practices I (physical awareness and movement)
-Nutrition and the Human Body I
-Foundations of Neuroscience I
-Know Yourself: Principles of Well-Being I
-Primer in Statistics
Coaching Fundamentals I
-Pedagogy for Helping Professionals
-Foundations of Psychology, Human Development, and Psychopathology I
-Cultural Foundations of Well-Being I (Philosophy, History, & Literature)
-Body Practices II (physical awareness and movement)
-Nutrition and the Human Body II
-Foundations of Neuroscience II
-Know Yourself: Principles of Well-Being II
-Personality Assessment
-Seminar Coaching Fundamentals II
-Foundations of Psychology, Human Development, and Psychopathology II
-Cultural Foundations of Well-Being II (Philosophy, History, & Literature)
Part 2:
Advanced Methods and Certification
-Body Practices III (physical awareness and movement, posture)
-Nutrition and the Human Body III
-Topics in Neuroscience I
-Mind-Body Theories of Health and Well-Being
-Know Yourself: Principles of Well-Being III
-Measurement of Well-Being and Personality
-Anthropedia Coaching Methods and Techniques I
-Advanced Topics in Psychology, Human Development, and Mental Health III
-Cultural Foundations of Well-Being III (Philosophy, History, Art, & Literature)
-Anthropology and Social Perspectives of Well-Being (Anthropology)
-Body Practices IV (physical awareness and movement, posture)
-Nutrition and the Human Body IV
-Topics in Neuroscience II
-Mind-Body Practices for Health and Well-Being
-Know Yourself: Principles of Well-Being IV
-Advanced Application of Personality Assessment
-Anthropedia Coaching Methods and Techniques II
-Advanced Topics in Psychology, Human Development, and Mental Health IV
-Cultural Foundations of Well-Being IV (Philosophy, History, Art, & Literature)
-Economics, Ecology, and Well-Being (Economy & Ecology)
2. Literature
• Cloninger, C. R., Zohar, A. H., & Cloninger, K. M. (2010). Promotion of Well-Being in Person-Centered Mental Health Care. Focus (American Psychiatric Publishing), 8(2), 165-179.
• Cloninger, C.R., (2004). Feeling Good: The Science of Well-Being. New York: Oxford University Press. 374 pages.
• Cloninger, C. R., & Cloninger, K. M. (2011). Person-centered Therapeutics. International Journal of Person Centered Medicine, 1(1), 43-52.
• Cloninger, C. R., and Zohar, A. H. (2011). Personality and the perception of health and happiness. Journal of Affective Disorders, 128, 24–32.
• Josefsson, K., Cloninger, C. R., Hintsanen, M., Jokela, M., Pulkki-Raback, L., and Keltikangas-Järvinen, L. (2011). Associations of personality profiles with various aspects of well-being: a population-based study. Journal of Affective Disorders, 133, 265–273.
• Josefsson, K., Jokela, M., Cloninger, C. R., Hintsanen, M., Salo, J., Hintsa, T., et al. (2013a). Maturity and change in personality: developmental trends of temperament and character in adulthood. Development and Psychopathology, 25, 713–727.
• Moreira, P.A.S, Cloninger, C.R.; Dinis, L.; Sá, L, Oliveira, J.T,; Dias, A. & Oliveira, J. (2015) Personality and well-being in adolescents. Frontiers in Psychology, 5, 1494.
• Anthropedia Foundation (2009). Know Yourself CD Series. Available from:
• Anthropedia Foundation (2009). Know Yourself DVD Series. Available from:
• Anthropedia Foundation (2009). Modules for Well-Being Coaching. Available from: 4000 pages.
• Additional scientific articles will be presented at the start of the course. The literature above can be bought at the first day of the course.
3. Examination
• Complete a portfolio of exercises from the Know Yourself DVD Series.
• Complete the exam on the student’s comprehension on the basic concepts covered in the Know Yourself DVD Series and the Coaching Skills modules.
• Complete the exam on the student’s comprehension on the basic concepts covered in the modules.
4. Courses and Course Objectives:
• Know Yourself: Principles of Well-Being I, II, III & IV (49 Hours): These 4 courses explore how to use the concepts, practices, and exercises in the Know Yourself DVD series to help coaching clients develop well-being. The Know Yourself DVD series is a course in well-being designed to help people increase self-understanding, manage stress, and find deeper contentment in their lives. It teaches exercises to foster calmness, self-awareness, emotional intelligence, and mind-body health. It was developed based on the work of the Anthropedia Institute.
Course Objectives include the following:
• Attendees will better recognize what practices lead to life satisfaction and happiness, and which lead to vulnerability to distress and mental disorder.
• Attendees will study the Know Yourself DVD series and other educational tools that can be used to help their patients/clients improve the quality of their lives or recover from illness.
• Attendees will learn about an applied biopsychosocial approach to fostering health in well-being in their clients.
• Kevin Cloninger, PhD
• Nigel Lester, MD
• Enrique Nunes, PhD
• Danilo Garcia, PhD
• Coaching Fundamentals I & II, Anthropedia Coaching Methods and Techniques I & II, and Pedagogy for Helping Professionals (51 Hours): This course goes step-by-step through our method of life coaching with an emphasis on well-being. The courses include study of basic coaching skills developed in compliance with the International Coach Federation’s (ICF) core competencies and code of ethics, professional guidance on setting up a practice, as well as instruction on how to avoid obstacles to successful coaching. The course also includes observed coaching practice in accordance with ICF standards, as well as in-depth case studies of ethics and ethical considerations, demonstrations and practice coaching, discussions of the differences between coaching, consulting, and psychotherapy, a discussion of the history of coaching, and important theories and techniques of coaching. Finally, there are a number of courses on pedagogy for helping professionals, which will assist attendees in understanding how people learn best and how they can facilitate that learning.
Course Objectives include the following:
• Attendees will examine the basic competencies and ethics of coaching.
• Attendees will explore the differences between coaching, therapy, and counseling.
• Attendees will have an opportunity to practice coaching and receive supervision and written feedback.
• Attendees will learn methods of emotional communication to use in their professional practice and to help patients/clients apply these techniques in their lives.
• Attendees will learn techniques and theories of coaching and coaching practice.
• Attendees will learn pedagogical techniques and theories, and learning theories in order to facilitate the learning of their clients.
• Kevin Cloninger, PhD
• Nigel Lester, MD
• Enrique Nunes, PhD
• Danilo Garcia, PhD
• Body Practices for Well-Being I, II, III and IV (37.5 total hours): Includes coursework on coordination exercises, posture, rhythm, and movement. The overall goal of the course is work on the unification of the body and the mind, and to understand the body through movement and physical awareness. Students will also learning about breathing exercises and biofeedback designed to help people better manage stress and understand the mind-body relationship.
Course Objectives include the following:
• Attendees will learn about complementary wellness techniques they can use with their clients to improve well-being, such as physical exercise, and self-massage.
• Attendees will learn exercises to rebalance muscle groups and eliminate their tensions.
• Attendees will study a set of coordination exercises designed to facilitate the bilateral training of the brain, and help them increase their neural plasticity and that of their clients/patients.
• Attendees will explore different techniques to improve posture, flexibility, and awareness of our center of gravity, as well as our well-being and comfort, and reduce stress.
• Attendees will understand the impact of stress and negative emotions on psychophysiological coherence and how to use biofeedback to help patients learn to manage stress.
• Sarah Hultsch, DE
• Alinda Muszynski, CPT
• Foundations of Psychology, Human Development, and Psychopathology I & II (9.75 hours): This course explores psychology, human development and psychopathology. Knowing the differences between coaching and therapy is essential for effective coaching, and coaches need to understand exactly how to identify psychopathology and encourage their clients to get support from an appropriate helping professional should the need arise during coaching. This course ensures that students are able to identify psychopathology, but does not seek to help students learn how to diagnose or treat such psychopathology.
*** It is presumed that students taking this class have already taken a course of introduction to psychology and psychoanalysis, if not students will be required to watch an online training and pass a short comprehension test while attending this course.
Course Objectives include the following:
• Attendees will learn about the differences between coaching and psychotherapy.
• Attendees will learn how to identify and classify psychopathology.
• Attendees will understand what types of problems they can help with in their role as coach, and which will require the help of a professional therapist.
• Attendees will learning about coping strategies and defense mechanisms and their importance to human adaptation and stress management.
• Paulo Moreira, PhD
• Nigel Lester, MD
• Danilo Garcia, PhD
• Julie Geeting, MA, LPC
• Alexandre Grandjare, MA
• Nutrition and the Human Body I, II, III and IV (21.75 hours): Includes coursework on the human body, nutrition and dietetics, as well as the importance of healthy sleep, diet, and exercise.
Course Objectives include the following:
• Attendees will learn about research on healthy lifestyles and the importance of sleep, diet, and exercise.
• Attendees will learn the mechanisms of digestion, basic nutrition guidance, and the importance of healthy eating.
• Attendees will learn various approaches to dietetics.
• Attendees will understand the human body in both form and function including anatomy, physiology, and cell biology.
• Attendees will learn the different systems of the body that contribute to health and well-being and are essential for health functioning.
• Nigel Lester, MD
• Kevin Cloninger, PhD
• Sarah Bird, PhD, DNP
• Scientific, Philosophical, and Cultural Foundations (9 hours): Includes coursework on psychology, anthropology, philosophy, literature, art, and history. An understanding of human culture is fundamental for understanding the development of human well-being.
Course Objectives include the following:
• Attendees will understand the scientific, philosophical, and cultural foundations of the Know Yourself DVD series and Cloninger’s bio-psycho-social model of the Science of Well-Being.
• Attendees will examine a wide variety of disciplines to help them consider different perspectives when making clinical decisions.
• Attendees will understand the evolution of uniquely human capacities like self-awareness, language, art, and spirituality.
• Kevin Cloninger, PhD
• Alinda Muszynski, CPT
• Christina Mengert, PhD
• Peter Hutchings, PhD
• Enrique Nunes, PhD
• Personality Assessment with the Temperament and Character Inventory (10 Hours): This course will explore the Temperament and Character Inventory and all the statistical concepts needs to properly understand and use the test to understand human personality and well-being.
Course Objectives include the following:
• Attendees will take a primer in statistics in order to master all the statistical concepts necessary to interpret a personality inventory.
• Attendees will learn how to use the measurement of personality and character development (TCI) in order to assess biopsychosocial well-being.
• C. Robert Cloninger, MD, PhD
• Kevin Cloninger, PhD
• Enrique Nunes, PhD
• Nigel Lester, MD
• Foundations of Neuroscience I&II, and Topics in Neuroscience I&II (21 Hours): This course will explore the foundations of neuroscience including neuroimaging, neuroanatomy, and neurophysiology, as well as their applications to various topics related to human functioning. Understanding our brain and its impact on human functioning is fundamental for effective learning and coaching.
Course Objectives include the following:
• Attendees will study neuroanatomy, neurophysiology, and neuroimaging in order to deepen their understanding of neuroscience and its applications to coaching and helping professions more generally.
• Attendees will understand the latest research on neuroscience and techniques designed to encourage resilience and plasticity.
• C. Robert Cloninger, MD, PhD
• Kevin Cloninger, PhD
• Enrique Nunes, PhD
• Nigel Lester, PhD
• Danilo Garcia, PhD
- Alexandre Grandjare, MA
- Alinda Muszynski, CPT
- C. Robert Cloninger, MD, PhD
- Christina Mengert, PhD
- Danilo Garcia, PhD
- Enrique Nunes, PhD
- Julie Geeting, MA, LPC
- Kevin Cloninger, PhD
- Nigel Lester, MD
- Paulo Moreira, PhD
- Peter Hutchings, PhD
- Sarah Hultsch, DE
At the end of the course, the students will be asked to answer a written course evaluation arranged by the course coordinator
Tentative Schedule of Classes: march 2021
The Course has a total of 208 hours.
All sessions in English.
Application: 105€
Tuition fees: 2.100€
School Insurance: 55€
All tuition payments can be made in cash, check or ATM directly at the Treasury of Universidade Lusíada, or by direct bank deposit at the Novo Banco branches on behalf of the Minerva Foundation, by bank transfer, Universidade Lusíada - Norte (Porto) IBAN: PT50 0007 0402 0016 3760 0066 3 with the sending of the respective proof to
1. Copy of the Qualification Certificate;
2. Curriculum, scientific and academic;
3. Identification elements on the citizen card and a photograph;
4. Application form (to be obtained from the services of Universidade Lusíada or on the website).
Note: The course wil only opens with a minimum of students.
For all academic questions use the following emails: or
Administrative questions:
ILPG - Instituto Lusíada de Pós-Graduações
T. +351 22 557 08 34